
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley

The Loney
by Andrew Michael Hurley
Hardcover, 368 pages
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, May 10, 2016
5 stars

The Loney is a desolate stretch of English coastline that is home to the village of Coldbarrow and a house called The Moorings. This is the place that serves to house the pilgrims that come to worship at the local Gothic church and it's shrine. Led by the new parish priest, Father Bernard, our narrator, his mute brother, his parents and a handful of other church faithful arrive, expecting to witness miracles. Instead, they'll wrestle with faith and doubt and what some will witness will haunt them for a lifetime.


"I often thought there was too much time there. That the place was sick with it. Haunted by it. Time didn't leak away as it should. There was nowhere for it to go and no modernity to hurry it along. It collected as the black water did on the marshes and remained and stagnated in the same way."

Not quite horror but more than just a mystery or historical fiction, The Loney is certainly a Gothic something. Filled with descriptions of grey skies and bleak seascapes, the Loney is more than a setting as it becomes almost a character itself. There are suspicions of a priest gone mad, rumors of a suicide, and hints and whispers of witchcraft. The story feels set in a much older time, with only a few cultural references placing it in the 1970s.

The narrative framing is brilliantly done - after the skeleton of an infant washes ashore, the protagonist, "Tonto" Smith, is sharing the memory of this childhood pilgrimage with his therapist thirty years later. Viewing the events through both the lens of childhood memories and the distance of time paints Smith as potentially unreliable. Smith is unsettled and unsure of himself and he passes that emotional unrest onto the reader. Interestingly, the most disturbing elements of the story aren't supernatural, but rather just brief peeks into disquieting aspects of Coldbarrow. Age-old village traditions, a young girl in an unsettling circumstance, and the brutality of nature are just a few things that help to construct an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Religion has weight in this story. The friendships between the pilgrims exist only because of their connection to one another through their faith, which is an old faith, heavy on ritual and resistant to change. The conflict between the Catholicism of the pilgrims and the paganism of the villagers mimics the conflict between the parishioners themselves. Faith is plays an integral role in the way this book is wrapped up - faith is awakened in a character and miracles are performed, but perhaps not in the way the characters would have expected.

I have difficulty believing that this book was a debut. The writing and plot are as near to perfect as I could expect from a novel like this, the pacing is spot on, and the creepiness factor sneaks up on you before you realize what's happening. I look forward to seeing what Hurley writes next.

Backlist Bump: For another Gothic period piece in which the fright comes from sources that are not necessarily supernatural, read The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters.

What to Drink: Despite the pilgrims not drinking themselves, Father Bernard made sure he had some scotch on hand to fortify himself against the cold and the week at The Moorings. I'd follow his example and pour yourself a stiff one.

(Thank you to NetGalley and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Happy Monday!

I'm fairly sure they put catnip in the covers.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Top Five Wednesday: Favorite Literary Fathers and Father Figures

Karli and I are going to be participating in a book reviewer tag called Top Five Wednesday. Each week we'll be naming our five favorite things in a variety of bookish categories. This week we're talking about our favorite literary fathers.

Karli - Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus has always been one of the most revered fathers in literature, but with the release of Go Set a Watchman there was much discussion on whether Atticus really was the idealized man that Scout hero worshiped. I believe that, regardless of whether he was the perfect man, he was clearly an amazing father to Scout and Jem and did his best to raise them to be good people at a time when it was difficult to really understand what was right and what was true.

Tanya - Mr. Bennett from Pride and Prejudice

Mr. Bennett surely seemed as though he was failing as a father according to the norms of the day, but he has always been one of my favorites.  He knew his daughter Elizabeth to be whip-smart and headstrong and, rather than try to change her, he encouraged her in her reading and independence. Rather than pressure her into a marraige in which she would undoubtendly be miserable he encouraged her to follow her heart. He defended her choices to others time and time again and his sarcastic wit makes me chuckle. When he gives Elizabeth his approval for her marriage at the end of the book? Tears. Every time.

Karli - A.J. Fickry from The Storied Life of A.J. Fickry

A.J. find himself raising a little girl who was abandoned in his bookshop. He raises her with love, compassion, and lots of books. Being a father makes A.J. a better man and bookseller, and he leaves a legacy of literary love for his daughter.

Tanya - Jean Valjean from Les Miserables

Speaking of men finding orphaned girls...

Jean credits finding his adopted daughter Collette as saving his life and teaching him how to live again. He devotes himself to Collette's care, ensuring he grows up safe, happy, and well-educated. He is so singly devoted to her that he is willing to sacrifice his own life in order to ensure that she can be with her true love, Marius.

Karli - Harold from A Little Life

Harold adopts Jude as an adult and rarely do we read such a moving, beautiful, fatherly love as what Harold holds for the damaged Jude. The love and acceptance Harold has for Jude is truly a work of art.

Honorable Mentions:

Lucas Davenport from Hanging Prey and the rest of the Prey series.
Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and others from the Harry Potter series.

*The Top Five Wednesday book tag was created by Lainey from gingerreadslainey on YouTube and is now managed by Sam from ThoughtsonTomes, also on YouTube. You can find the topics in their Goodreads group, Top 5 Wednesdays, here.*

Monday, June 6, 2016

Happy Monday!

After a busy weekend this is how I feel. There's so much cleaning I could do, but...then there's the sizable pile of books on my table. Priorities, people. Priorities.