
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Top Five Wednesday: Books We Wish Had Sequels

I read a lot of series so I'm at no loss for books continuing on in a particular world or with certain characters. There are, though, a handful of stand-alone books that I would love to have more time in!

Amy and Nick were two really screwed up characters but even I didn't see the end of this book coming. While the story line was wrapped up nicely I am really really curious to see what life is like "after." I have no doubt that the mind-twisting shenanigans will continue.

It's not often that I would wish a horror novel had a sequel, but in the case of A Head Full of Ghosts I really want to know what happens to the sisters after the events in the book. Do the weird events in the book continue into their teen and adulthoods? Was it connected to the girls or to the house? These are questions I need answered!

The world created in The Night Circus was so beautiful that I didn't want to leave it. This book was as close to perfect as I could hope fantasy story like this to be and the story wrapped up nicely so it isn't that I felt there were loose ends that needed to be wrapped up. Honestly, I just don't want to leave!

I had so much fun reading Andy Cohen's memoir that I didn't want to stop. I really enjoyed hearing about the parties and award shows he attended and all of the crazy people he knows. He has a great sense of humor and he had me laughing out loud at the stories he told. I could handle a lot more of Cohen's writing. 

Here's another nonfiction book I wished never ended. Ronson tracks down and spends time with some of the craziest people in the world - conspiracy theorists, neo-Nazis, alien abductees - and shares their stories and reasoning behind their fanaticism. It was a fascinating look into what makes these people believe what they do and the lengths they'll to go to in order to "prove" that they're right. As scary as it is to know these people exist I couldn't get enough of this book.

Are there any books *you* wish had a sequel or a series you wished hadn't ended when it did?

*The Top Five Wednesday book tag was created by Lainey from GingerReadsLainey on YouTube and is now managed by Sam from ThoughtsOnTomes, also on YouTube. You can find the topics in their Goodreads group, Top 5 Wednesdays, here.*

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